Our Covid 19 Policies & Procedures
We hope that you and your little one(s) feel at home and safe here. Therefore in this day and age we have and will continue to take the necessary precautions to reduce the risk of exposure to the virus that has changed the world since winter 2020. Here is a brief summary of how what we are doing and how you can participate with us.
Our Current Practices
We recognize that through the implementation of the following coordinated efforts, we can reduce, not eliminate, the risk of Covid-19 transmission in our community. All actions on the part of The New Haven will be undertaken with the well-being of the children, members and staff in mind, while providing as “normal” a childcare and work/office experience as possible, giving the children the feeling of safety and reassurance.
Self Assessment
Before leaving home to come to The New Haven, please perform an assessment of symptoms associated with Covid 19 and be prepared to affirm daily that you do not have these symptoms nor have you had direct exposure to a Covid-19 positive individual, no related symptoms, and have not traveled internationally (or had close contact with someone who has) in the previous 14 days. (Official guidelines specify commuter travel to Mexico is exempted.) If you are all well in your household, please by all means come in and see us, we look forward to welcoming you.
Upon arrival at The New Haven, teachers or staff are permitted to take your temperature or your child's if they assess or suspect any symptoms related to Covid 19. We maintain the right to send you home if a risk is assessed or if you fail the health check questions.
Attendance at The New Haven implies acceptance of some risk. We will de everything we can reduce that risk, but we cannot guarantee an elimination of that risk. We encourage all to continue to assess the best course of action for you and your family. The New Haven will not be held liable for contracting illness.
Keeping our space & air clean
Our childcare room is cleaned with CDC-approved, eco-friendly medical-grade disinfectants just before the midday lunch and at the end of the day. All major surfaces and children’s toys will be sanitized in the childcare room and all desks will be sanitized between persons using them. Toys are also cleaned throughout the day as needed when a child puts them in their mouth.
We utilize air filters in both the office space and childcare rooms.
Health & Hygiene practices
Children upon arrival will be required to wash their hands and throughout the day before eating and after toileting. Parents are encouraged to wash hands regularly and use the hand sanitizer offered in the office areas as needed.
Respiratory Etiquette
According to the July 20th, 2021 San Diego County update, it is recommended though not mandated, that all adults in an indoor setting should wear a mask regardless of vaccination.
Children are permitted, but will not be required to wear face coverings at The New Haven.
All staff will wear a face shield or mask while onsite at The New Haven, while moving about on campus, and when interacting with teachers, other staff, parents, and students.
Face shields are permitted for staff when necessary for the student to see the mouth movement (for speech clarity) or when conveying emotion or comfort for the child.
Parents are required to wear face coverings during student drop off and pick up and while they are seated at their own desk unless eating or drinking.
Parents and staff may remove their masks while eating lunch outside.
While we are not requiring proof of Covid-19 vaccination to enter our space, we ask that you take the necessary precautions to keep yourself and our staff safe during this pandemic.
Our current teachers and staff are vaccinated.
​According to the July 20th, 2021 San Diego County update, it is recommended though not mandated, that all adults in an indoor setting should wear a mask regardless of vaccination.
Reporting & Tracing
Anyone who is absent due to a positive COVID-19 test shall not be permitted back on campus until at least 10 days after the positive test result, and other symptom improvement. Longer absence may be warranted and required by The New Haven.
Anyone who is absent due to close contact with a person who has COVID-19 shall not be permitted back in school until 14 days after last exposure. This person should check temperature daily and be observant for any onset of symptoms. They should also stay away from anyone who is at higher risk for getting sick and get tested.